My dad surprised me and Has with a new digital SLR camera, it's amazing! It's a Nikon D5000
Say Cheese!
Suzie bought me the best mug ever! It reads "I ♥ Spreadsheets" after all I am the spreadsheet queen! She also bought me a pack of "Hen Night Howlers" the first game I read involved a banana, a condom and the players mouth... lets just say we won't be playing most of those on the hen night! Thank you Suzie
Hayley somehow managed to track down my perfume!! I couldn't believe it! I will now be able to wear Love by Nina Ricci on my wedding day! Thank you Hayley!
Paul bought me my gorgeous earrings I wanted for the wedding from Yarwood White
I wore them on Christmas day but now they've been put away, not to be worn until November!
I had loads of other bits and bobs, Has bought me, amongst other things, Stephen Fry in America which I can't wait to watch, a New Moon fleece blanket (because I am secretly 13!) and an amazing book of the top 100 cities in the world!
I had new pajamas, 2 new pairs of slippers and 2 new dressing gowns... I guess when people think of me they think snuggly, cosy and sleepy. They're not wrong either!
I had a wonderful Christmas, not just because of the great gifts I received but I've loved spending extra time with my friends and family. This is why I love Christmas so much.