Tuesday 25 May 2010

Being ill for your wedding day

Without going in to too much detail I haven't really been feeling myself lately.  I have a reoccurring problem which is really getting me down.  It's nothing serious, but the doctors can't tell me what it is.  I have sore blisters on my toe which stop me from wearing shoes and walking properly. Ouch :(
I had it last year and after several rounds of antibiotics and antiviral tablets, combined with a cocktail of creams it finally went away after it plagued me for about 3 months.

Obviously with our wedding only 5 months away I'm worried about this cropping up again.  I'm being referred to a dermatologist so hopefully they can shed some light on what it is!

It got me thinking.  What if I do get it again for the wedding or come down with another sickness? What can we do to prevent or minimise our chances of being ill?  I wrote this post a little while ago about how to boost your immune system with different foods but I have since found a few bits of advice on how to stay in tip-top condition for your wedding day.

Pre-Wedding day wonders
  • Don't skip meals - It's important to keep your body nourished, if you want to lose a few extra pounds before your wedding day do so sensibly, your body needs food to maintain it's energy and skipping on meals will leave you feeling lethargic . Try eating a diet rich in lean protein such as fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, beans, peas and lentils.  They will help you feel fuller for longer, so you can slim down in a healthier way.
  • Catch plenty of Zzz's - However tempting it is to stay up and just finish off the last few favours or table plan, remember research shows that sleep helps boost your immune system, plus you'll feel extra refreshed after a good nights sleep to face the day.
  • Scrub-a-dub-dub! - Many infections spread from person to person, germs are picked up easily through keyboards, hand rails and door handles to name but a few. (Eeeww!)  It's a good idea to carry around antibacterial gel and getting into the habit of wash your hand regularly for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
  • Take your vitamins - Even if you do have a healthy diet you can give your body extra help by adding vitamins to your daily routine.  Vitamins A and C have been proven to prevent colds whilst research suggests people who took a garlic supplement were less likely to have a cold. 
  • Relax! - Stress can make you ill.  Planning a wedding can be very stressful so you need to allow yourself time to relax and do something unrelated.  It is said exercise is very good at beating stress, failing that treat yourself to a massage or an hour in the bath with a good book.

Uh-Oh! On the day offenders.

So, what if the worst happens and you wake up on the morning of your wedding feeling more like a monster than the blushing bride?   There are a few tips you can follow to help you feel and look better.
  • Red or puffy eyes - Your beautician should be able to hide any dark circles with a good concealer but you can reduce swelling with a cold wash cloth or if you can get hold of it, cucumber works wonders.  Sit with your eyes closed for around 10 minutes and it should help reduce any puffiness by constricting the blood vessels
  • Diarrhoea - It could be the nerves!  However keeping a supply of Imodium in your survival kit isn't such a bad idea.  Remember to keep yourself hydrated otherwise you could end up feeling worse.
  • Bloating -  Again it could just be those nerves kicking in but Peppermint tea or oil is a quick fix for bloating and abdominal pains.
  • Upset Stomachs - Keep a handy bottle of Pepto Bismol in your survival kit.  I've also found that a glass of flat fizzy pop can help settle a tummy.  Place a metal spoon in the glass to remove some of the bubbles.
  • Sore Throat - Sip a hot drink like honey and lemon or ginger tea.  Any hot thin drink is good for helping sooth a sore throat.  You may also want to keep a pack of throat soothers in your survival kit.
  • Colds, coughs and sneezes - Unfortunately there isn't a quick fix.  Take paracetamol or a decongestant to help with any pain.  I have always found the Sudafed Nasal Spray to be pretty effective for blocked noses.  Remember to dab moisturiser around your nose to stop it becoming red and dry.
  • Spots - Today of all days you wake up with what looks like the start of a new nose.  Don't panic and whatever you do... do NOT squeeze, you'll only make it worse.  Any good beautician will be able to cover it but you can help reduce the swelling by applying a cold wash cloth over the offending pimple.  Toothpaste, tea tree oil and cucumber are also good at helping to reduce the red and swollen spot.
The chances are you'll wake up feeling as fresh as a daisy on your wedding day, but if you don't, as hard as it may be... relax.  If you panic and start to get yourself upset you'll only make yourself feel worse.  Enjoy the day, trust me as long as I can walk I'm getting myself down that aisle!

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